Alverton School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. To achieve our commitment, we will ensure the continuous development of robust safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers.

Governance Structure

The Governing Body at Alverton School is committed to:

  • improving the opportunities and outcomes for children at Alverton School;

  • using its individual and collective expertise to help the school to achieve high standards by understanding, supporting and monitoring progress towards the school’s improvement targets;

  • working effectively and efficiently in partnership with the school and the multi-academy trust;

  • using the increased freedoms of the MAT structure in order to evolve its work from the traditional governance model towards a sharper and more dynamic focus on school development priorities;

  • providing a localised and bespoke level of challenge, expertise and support for Alverton School.

Organisational Model
Standing Committees
These fulfil specific functions and meet as required. 

Focus Groups
Governors will work in small focus groups to focus on either:
- current School Development areas and questions
- standing items of Governance (Safeguarding, Pupil Premium etc.)

The work of Focus Groups will include research, meeting with staff and pupils, meeting school leaders, visiting classes, data analysis and comparative measurements. Focus Groups provide an ideal opportunity for staff and governors to work together.

The Full Governors Meeting each term enables feedback on the work of the focus groups. This in turn will link into the school development cycle, enabling all governors to monitor progress against the targets set, challenging and supporting as necessary.

Full Governing Body Meetings
One meeting will be held each term. These will deal with Procedural Business and will look at the work of the Focus Groups.

There will be an additional meeting at the beginning of the Autumn term and a Budget meeting during the Summer term. 


Please see the TPAT section of this website for financial information, information about governance and links to key documents.